Saturday, September 20, 2014

Daily choice become a Lifestyle.b

Everyday we are faced with hundreds of choices. We get to choose each one. If we change one everyday, eventually we will make the right choice every time. Then from there it only gets easier. For example at a restaurant, how easy is it to drink a pop. But next time say a lemon water. eventually it becomes a habit and a lifestyle. Diets are restricting, but a lifestyle is simply a way of life.

I have been on a roller coaster fitness journey for most of my life. At the point of my highest weight I hit 292. That was a scary moment for me. I could lift a lot of weight, but we all know almost 300 lbs is never healthy. I slowly cut down. I leveled out at a steady 282 ~ 285. My Family and friends did a 30 day challenge, as i watched their success and me being in the same exact spot, I sat in front of the mirror realizing something has to change. This isn't fair to your beautiful wife or kids.

So I found a 24 hour gym in Greeley, Colorado call Anytime Fitness. I had to have flexible hours cause I work around the clock right now. The gym is very nice and has everything I need.

The Game Plan:
Monday: Legs
Elliptical 20 minutes.
Leg press 6 sets
Straight leg deadlifts 4 sets
Leg curls 4 sets
Leg extensions 4 set
Calf raisers 5 sets
Front Squats 3 sets
25 minute Fusion Yoga

Tuesday: Back
Elliptical 20 minutes High Interval
Pull ups to Failure 4 sets
Seated Rows 5 sets
T-bar rows 4 sets last set to failure
Lat pull downs 3 sets
Nautilaus pull down machine 4 sets
Reverse Grip Barbell Pulls 4 sets

Wednesday: Bi's/tri's
Curl machine 6 sets Last 2 sets negative failures
Hammer curls 4 sets
Barbell curls 4 sets
Dips 4 Sets to failure
Skull Crushers 4 sets
Tri pull down t-bar/rope 4 sets
Push ups to failure 2 sets
25 minute Fusion yoga

Thursday: Chest
Elliptical 20 minutes
Dumb bell press 4 sets
Decline bench press 3 sets
Incline dumbbell press 3 sets
Decline Flys 3 sets
incline flys 3 sets
Fly machine 4 sets
Cable Flys 4 sets

Friday: Legs
Elliptical 20 minutes
Repeat Monday.
Bike to cool down.
Fusion Yoga

Saturday: Cardio/abs
Cycling class
Ab pull downs
Ab wheel
Leg lifts
leg raises

Sunday: REST

It isn't perfect yet. But this is what I'm trying to follow for now, and I will change and perfect it over time. Cardio will hopefully get longer and easier.

                          This was on September 13, 2014. At a solid 282. Lots of work to do.

This was in 2009. I was 200 lbs. So I know it can be done, I just need to get off this roller coaster cause it is not a fun place to be.

Thanks for following my journey. I am also starting instagram hashtagownyourlife. Follow my progress and recipes and everything else on there. #ownyourlife..

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