Thursday, October 2, 2014

30 day challenge

I am very excited to be apart of the 30 Day Health Challenge. It is being put together by the wonder Stacy Reed and her husband. This is the second round of the challenge and the first was an amazing success. They have already inspired so many people to be healthy.

I love the challenge because it doesn't focus on 1500 calories or no carbs or no sugar or running a mile a day. It is just about moving and being a little healthier each day. It is literally for everyone. The main focus is on the pedometer. just walking, getting steps in. Then the rest is up to you, your goals and desires that are personal. You get points for reaching your own goals not ones that are generic but ones that are specific. Its so simple and wonderful.

So here i would like to put my goals for this 30 days.
1) 10000 steps a day. this shouldn't be hard since I work 14 hours a day and rarely get off my feet.
2) 2000 calories a day. This is a healthy range but also a deficit
3) Food journal. This I'm sure will be my most difficult feat.
4) No soda, or energy drinks,
5) Lose inches more than weight.

I will be posting a before picture and all my measurements tomorrow to help me keep track. This is such a wonderful challenge to help me own my life healthy wise. Its great to be able to do it as a group and as friends and family. Anyone who reads this is very welcome to join and to follow the wonder blogs. Lots of stuff will be added like recipes, before and afters, and inspirational posts. Many wonderful people will be adding posts too. Come be part of this movement of health. We are here to help everyone. Go out and own your life. 10000 is a lot go steps, but there is only one way to get there, Take the first step.... Go OWN YOUR LIFE...


  1. Thanks for your support!! I'm excited to have you and to see your progress

    1. Thanks stacy. I'm excited to be part of such a great community
