Saturday, October 18, 2014

30 Day Health challenge Progress

Everyday we wake up and have a choice, we can wake up and go out and conquer the day and everything that comes with it, or we can let it defeat us and beat us down until we quit or break. That being said I congratulate you on creating your lifestyle on this 30 day health challenge, we are past half way. This is where most people leave us, Or this is where people show their true selves, dig deep and get out there and kill it. For me it has almost become to easy. 10000 steps has become second nature to a degree, eating healthy isn’t a choice anymore its just a way of life. I personally challenge everyone reading this to evaluate your goals. Not to say they are bad or easy. But you have changed, you have gotten better and progressed, so generally your goals need to advance with you “if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you” Also without changing and advancing your goals you will hit a plateau. Plateaus are dangerous places to be. For me the scale has stopped moving. However, I can do 15 pull ups now, I can do 15 dips with a 25# weight on my waist, I can curl more, bench more, my cardio is way higher than it has been in years, my energy is through the roof, and I feel overall great. So we cant base all our success on a number on a scale. Keep doing what you are doing. Keep driving one step at a time, change your goals and advance to success. Create a LIFESTYLE not a Daystyle or a monthstyle. Habits are created in 21 days, we all have 21 days in us. There will be some days that we mess up a little, all is not lost. I see this as a learning experience. Learn and grow it’s the only way to change.

I was asked to put up a few progress pics. They aren’t my greatest results, but its only been a week, and I have many, many more weeks to keep getting better.

One of my personal goals is to meditate everyday. I am keeping a log of thoughts during meditation also. There  are so many great studies on meditation. Getting to know yourself and getting in touch with your inner self is so important. Mental toughness will pull you through any obstacle in your life, and meditation is one way to create mental toughness. I challenge you all to put this into your lives. I have just started but I feel it already to be so peaceful, and such a good time to get to know myself.  We spend so much time with other people, we try to impress them, be like them, etc. Why no impress yourself, why not share your own thoughts with yourself. Who knows you better than you know you? To that I would say your brain. But we rarely listen to it cause we are so caught up in everyday life.  Take time, get to know YOU. I love the name of this challenge, it is a HEALTH challenge. It is challenging us to create overall health. Not just physical, but mental as well. I promise meditation will change your life and getting to know you will make you realize how strong you really are. Friends, go out there and be better each day, make better choices each minute and create a better you. Go out and #ownyourlife.

Final thought:

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